The Way of Stephen

Dream of 4 July, 2022, about 5:00 a.m.

I was walking with a man, heading generally toward the south or southeast on a road with no other people and no vehicles. There was some discussion about “seasons”. Based on the appearance of the vegetation, the dream season itself seemed to be wintertime. I could see the city and bay of Corpus Christi, Texas in the distance. I asked the man the name of the road we were on and he answered Stephen’s Way.

End Of Dream

Image credit- St. Takla Church

Corpus Christi means “The Body of Christ”. I am aware of what this dream might imply for me personally, but I do understand there is a connection to The Bride / True Church more generally as well, which is why I am here sharing it.

Stephen is often called the first Christian martyr. Introduced to us in Acts Chapters 6 and 71, at Stephen’s martyrdom none other than Saul of Tarsus was present. Here is an excellent sermon about the life of this courageous messenger, one with direct relevance for the True Church of the end times2

Powerful yet sobering.

Surely there is much more to this dream which will be revealed through the Holy Spirit. Please consider prayerfully.




2Grace to You, Pastor John F. MacArthur

Note– I do not know Pastor MacArthur’s background and whether or not he is a Calvinist. However, I am impressed with his preaching on this topic and for that reason am sharing it here.

Update 5 July– Based on a comment I’ve decided to add a bit more detail. In the dream, the city and bay of Corpus Christi appeared much smaller than would be “actual size”. The current population is over 300,000.

2 thoughts on “The Way of Stephen

  1. Each of us must walk that road alone, no one
    else can do it for us. Perhaps the direction is
    south because all of the civilized World is
    “going South”, i.e., downhill. Did you notice details about the road you were on? Was it “well-traveled”, a straight and narrow road, rocky, uphill, downhill…?

    • Thanks Karen, and excellent questions. The road was apparently quite flat in that portion, as I had no indication of major elevation changes per se, only that I could see Corpus Christi in the distance (though not far, it was the home stretch). Locally, though, the road had its share of bumps. The road was also narrow enough that one would not expect a truck, for sure. It looked like a road that had been traveled before but not much recently. It was composed of hardened dirt and small rocks, not concrete nor asphalt. The south to southeast direction is interesting also since I actually live to the northeast of Corpus Christi (thereby Corpus Christi is to the southwest), so my location in the dream was quite different (and nearer) from my actual physical location today. Yes, in this life we must each walk that road alone, indeed. But we have an Advocate so we’re not truly “alone”. The man of course represents the Holy Spirit with Whom we must have a relationship. Although in part this dream is about the Body of Christ coming together, we still each have our individual walk to get there and to the Promised Land. Awesome comment which encouraged me to provide more clarity. Shalom, Serayah

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