Purple Reign?- Prince & The Queen

A dear sister sent me a link to a video by a gentleman named Franchot Pearson in which he discussed the (at the time) soon-to-be passing of Queen Elizabeth II, as well as the royal family’s connection to the color purple. Link here-


Mr. Pearson’s description of the Murex snails of Phoenicia and royal purple dye certainly brought back memories of my own extensive research in this area, research which was condensed into an article I published years ago and may soon re-open for potential new readers; it is entitled “The Colors Worn & Adorned By The Harlot Of Babylon”. Yes, it has everything to do with this particular gastropod genus and the dye colors which can be produced from it, including royal purple and tekhelet (a most special deep blue).

Mr. Pearson also made strong mention of, and connections to, the late great musician Prince (Prince Rogers Nelson) who died, supposedly of an accidental prescription drug overdose, on 21 April, 2016. Prince’s 1984 album “Purple Rain” was his breakthrough work which propelled him into rock stardom. One of Prince’s many nicknames was, in fact, Man In Purple, and he was also known as the Purple-Clad Legend. Prince said of his rock ballad Purple Rain (courtesy americansongwriter.com; bold emphasis mine)-

When there’s blood in the sky… red and blue = purple. Purple rain pertains to the end of the world and being with the one you love and letting your faith/God guide you through the purple rain.

Purple Rain was the final song Prince performed in concert, precisely one week before his untimely death. The circumstances of Prince’s death are certainly suspicious and he may well have been the victim of a ritual sacrifice. It is stated that at his final concert he asked fans to . . . (source- https://newspunch.com/was-prince-murdered-by-the-illuminati-record-industry/)-

. . . wait a few days before you waste your prayers

And apparently this was Prince’s final Instagram post-


Prince was well known for being vehemently anti-drug his entire adult life, though in his later years he took prescription pain killers, primarily for relentless hip pain. After gaining creative control over his music empire Prince also began to speak up about chemtrails, vaccines, the US government’s dumbing-down of the citizenry, and other topics deemed unacceptable to the elite masters in the devil-run music industry. In other words, Prince knew way too much truth, and he was talking.

Prince was found dead at his studio home Paisley Park on the morning of 21 April, 2016. This “happened to be” Queen Elizabeth’s 90th [tenfold (3+3+3)] birthday. Coincidence? Whether you think so, or not, read on, as it gets weirder.

Now, about Queen Elizabeth II, she was apparently in excellent form mere days before her death. So, although she was 96 years old, her passing did come as somewhat of a surprise. Yahoo News actually wrote a decent albeit brief article on her final days-


Okay, this is where the Prince connection to the Queen gets weirder, even spooky. Check this out courtesy of timeanddate.com

From and including: Thursday, April 21, 2016 Death of Prince / Queen’s 90th Birthday
To, but not including: Thursday, September 8, 2022 Death of Queen Elizabeth II

Result: 2331 days (2332 inclusive) or precisely 333 weeks

If there is a “favorite number” of the illuminated ones, the global elite, the occult, or whatever you want to call these bastard spiritual offspring of satan, it is 333, more so even than the related 33. 333 seems to have to do with man supposedly having the capacity on his own volition to achieve immortality as a “god”, which of course goes back to the lie by the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Obviously, the fractional .333 would also Biblically reference the one third of angels which were fallen the moment they joined lucifer in rebellion. As per the weeks, this is the key Biblical time indicator which the occult love to copy.

Brethren, I know not whether Prince, the Queen, or both were murdered, but I do find this connection highly intriguing and I’m certainly not one to embrace “coincidence” for mere convenience. Rather, as a conspiracy truther I tend to dig deeper- that’s how I roll. With this in mind and speaking of the Queen, it would seem simple enough to slip a slow acting poison into her tea, thereby allowing sufficient time for the family to “rush to her bedside”, which we are told happened in the final hours before her demise. Regardless, again, her sudden demise did come somewhat “out of the blue” and people were taken aback by the rapid progression. As an example reaction, in a comment to the above Yahoo News article a certain D.S. wrote, on 17 September-

You do have to wonder what happened to the Queen between Tuesday the 6th, when she met with the outgoing and incoming Prime Ministers, and Thursday the 8th, when she died. Why was she sleeping in mid-afternoon Thursday in the first place? Had she been given some kind of sedative? If so, did it contribute to her death?

Upon the Queen’s death, Prince Charles immediately ascended to the throne, in which new position he had bestowed upon him the title of King Charles III. This outcome is still not a “done deal”, however, until the actual coronation ceremony which could be months away. Some are speculating that the crowning will take place in spring or summer of 2023, most likely in June. Will his coronation even occur? If so, will this begin the “Purple Reign” of the New World Order >>> Antichrist regime? Certainly my feeling is that this transition from Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III is a most important Tribulation time marker. Like his earthly father, the late Prince Philip, Charles clearly supports severe population reduction and is a maniacal climate change alarmist. In other words, he has an antichrist spirit for sure and is even a potential candidate for “the” antichrist.

Now that the Queen’s 19 September* funeral is finally over the time is well and proper to release this information. I do find this general timing to be quite ominous, around the 21st (7 + 7 + 7, one “turning”) anniversary of 9/11/2001 and late within the month of Elul as we approach Rosh Hashanah. My concerns in particular are for Babylon America, my dear homeland, as she will fall at the second trumpet which may yet be imminent. Russia is not going to put up with America’s continuing arrogant and foolhardy arming of Ukraine, especially if long range missiles come into play. Dmitry Medvedev, current Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman as well as ex-President / ex- Prime Minister, has been observed quoting the Book of Revelation frequently of late- just sayin’ . . . but troubling for sure. We are nearly three years into the ten year tribulation so truly we are living in those fateful days he references.



*The LORD alerted me to the importance of the date “9/19” way back in 2010 . . . this date also has specific Tribulation implications as per a President Trump 2019 executive order . . .

2 thoughts on “Purple Reign?- Prince & The Queen

  1. Carlos: —- Thank you for sharing this interesting information with all of us here. Also, what is the latest concerning your new book that you had been talking about publishing? Is your new book soon going be published?

    • Thanks for your faithful reading. I have no answer to your question, a sensitive topic for me. It’s going to take a miracle at this point, in the form of large sponsorship $. If it doesn’t happen then I’ll have to assume the book wasn’t the LORD’s will after all. Although things are a bit better for me now than during “the eighteen months of silence” I’m still basically in survival mode as far as scraping by with no energy left to focus on writing. Plus I’ve lost most of my confidence and additionally have suffered from writer’s block likely brought on by depression. Your question actually led me to write up a heartfelt 1.5 page “answer” which was really meant more as a way for me to vent and I’ve no intention of publishing it, as it would probably come across to the reader as self-absorbed, whiny, and downright pathetic. I’ve got a couple of articles in the pipeline now, though, LORD willing. Shalom

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